Jumat, 29 Januari 2016


Bullying was never made him lose.

When I was a student, I had a friend and we still contact one another now. He was getting bullied for years because of his way of thinking. He was so different in appereance and thought. People always made fun of him. I was the one who laughing and thought it was so funny, because their of jokes. At that time I though there was nothing serious about that.

At that time, I was thinking that he got a 'different' way to express his self and there was nothing wrong with that. But, I still feel I was a cruel friend who laughed at that time. 

Someday, he told me that he still feel the scars because of bullying. He never told me before. He felt so wronged when they made a joke about him. He felt so small when they laughed. I felt so sorry and guilty toward him. But, he's very grateful, the scars make him stronger. It gives a strength, a hope, a motivation to make him better and best person. 

Now, he's reaching the highest dream that he ever dreamt. People still talk about him and they still see him as weird as a long time ago. They all know that he becomes someone who is successfull, but they still think that he's still a clown.

The fact that they don't know is he's never and ever be a clown.He just shines in his different way. Moreover, he becomes someone like today, because he's so unique and never shy because of his uniqueness.  When they're busy with their kids and their house chores, he's busy to achieve his dream and live happily.

Human is a unique beings. But it's a culture (asian culture especially) to see that something different must be wrong. We just don't see and appreciate the uniqueness that everyone have.

So, which side do you choose? Will you be the one who is busy with other life and making a joke about it or will you be the one who is busy to learn and show your uniqueness?

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